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- Spectacle | Compagnie L'Eau Prit Feu | France
SHOWS AND TRANSMISSION La Cie L'Eau Prit Feu brings together artists in a spirit of cooperation and multi-disciplinarity , around universal, dreamlike themes and a gestural approach to acting . The shows are inter-generational, family-oriented and aim to be accessible to a large audience. She accompanies professionals and amateurs in their artistic projects and has the mission of carefully transmitting a generous and sincere theater through workshops with public restitution and creation courses : our activities include theater, storytelling and puppetry for different audiences. To understand our journey, see the pages WHO WE ARE and THE ORIGIN OF CREATIONS Badou White Child from Black Africa release 2021 Young and all ages from 5 years old 45 mins Storytelling, shadow, puppets, music EQUIPPED ROOM or AUTONOMY 300 spectators max Intervention of the Genespoir association on demand The Talkative Hands Spectacular workshops 2017 All Public / -7 years accompanied Duration 4h Workshop 3h + Storytelling 30mn Workshop-show concept puppet making and interactive storytelling EXTERIOR or INTERIOR 90 spectators max 1 puppet = 1 hour of production by team of 2 or 3 spectators
ARTISTIC SUPPORT The spirit of sharing experiences and knowledge is dear to the heart of L'Eau Prit Feu: we have all benefited with gratitude from the transmission of our arts, so it is a joyful duty to pass on our treasures with care. . Help some to find their setting , others to appropriate the game of actor while they are dancers, singers, musicians, circus artists ... In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Isabeau Legrel has been looking out for several years, with artists from a wide variety of sets: over the course of the meetings, companionship has become a real support activity for professional and amateur artists alike. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. To be continued ... Cie Who sticks to it support 2014-2016 Icarus II The Court of Very Small Instance The Anvil Gobblers
- ATELIERS REGULIERS | Compagnie L'Eau Prit Feu
REGULAR WORKSHOPS The company offers artistic creation workshops in a desire for transmission and sharing to amateurs: they always end with one or more public performances. Our speakers show kindness and pedagogy , in order to build trust and cooperation in the group. THEATER & GESTURE Children MJC Grand-Cordel Adults Laboratory suspended with Isabeau Legrel CHILDREN MJC Le Grand Cordel weekly In addition to this, you need to know more about it. discovery 1st trimester 6-7 years Wednesday 3 pm- 4pm 8-10 years old Wednesday 4-5 p.m. 10-14 years old Wednesday 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. / 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. End of year shows: 1st half of June In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Covid: the 2020-2021 season of the following workshop is suspended We are thinking about a new formula for the next season and maybe a new place In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. ADULT CREATION ATELIER BIS REPETITA gestural orientation All levels
- Qui sont les compagnons de la Cie L'Eau Prit Feu
L'Eau Prit Feu emerges in 2007 from an original show that poses a distinct personality, on the side of dreamlike and generous fantasy. A gestural and visual orientation marks the founding duo who choose to base their practice on multidisciplinarity, the pooling of knowledge and an expressionist body which has its roots in burlesque. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. His work identity is found in the search for a strong presence , sincerity and precision of the game , a mobilization of the body with priority over speech. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. N the course of its history, it acquires new colors by joining diver s artists: musicians, artist, storyteller make emerge new projects The transmission is done first by many artistic a ccompaniments then by interventions of the artists in structure and the workshops of creation : the pooling of the tools forged by the meetings and the experience continues to animate us. Collaborations with places in Rennes are growing: the MJC du Grand Cordel opens its doors to various Tales, Theater and Gestures workshops, then to the Night of the story. It is a partner in the creation of shows, such as the Maison de Quartier Francisco Ferrer, which allows the emergence of a creation, in connection with the inhabitants. Finally, if the projects are often aimed at Young Audiences , we are keen on the idea of involving any spectator , whatever their social background and their relationship to art and culture. ARTISTS & COMPANIONS ISABEAU LEGREL Artistic direction Actress Director AURELIEN GEORGEAULT LOCH Administrator Actor ASSOCIATED ARTISTS GUILLAUME POPE Actor Director DAWN MARC Storyteller actress FRANCOIS DANIEL Musician GREG JOVIS Costume designer Actor
CONTACT For any information, estimate, project proposal, request for a creation internship ... please fill out the form below: In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. headquarters (post office) House of Associations 6 allied courses 35000 REINS In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Your information has been sent ! Let's go ! COMPAGNIE L'EAU PRIT FIRE - association under the 1901 law Show entrepreneur license 2 -105901 / APE 9001 Z SIRET 493 409 619 00043 / N ° RNA association W353000874
- QUAND LA NUIT ARRIVE... | Compagnie L'Eau Prit Feu
ce spectacle n'est plus diffusé WHEN NIGHT ARRIVES ... A show for young and old dreamers from 5 years / duration 40 min When Baby-Wolf finally falls asleep, he dreams of faraway lands ... In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Of a girl on the China Sea, who like her people undergoes the tyranny of the Dragon-Serpent. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. The hard work of the day is followed by the time of dreams and dances: a benevolent night whose treasures can save the worst nightmares! In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. A nocturnal spiral where wolves and humans mingle with puppets, where a gong lifts the sheet of the ocean, where we dance under the moon to the sound of haunting lullabies coming from the other side of the earth. Quand la nuit arrive... Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Staging - interpretation Isabeau Legrel Percussions, Balafons and playing François Daniel Light Fany Aumasson Staged version 2015 Guillaume Le Pape External views Virginie Esnault - Maud Jégard In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Textiles, Dragon structure and Greg Jovis costume Dragon Mask Isabeau Legrel In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Textiles and costumes 1st version Mickaël Lecoq Structure Decor Gabriel Chalon In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Quand la nuit arrive... photo:Mako spectacle Jeune et tout public Cie L'Eau Prit Feu - Rennes Crédit : Mako Photographe spectacle Jeune et tout public Cie L'Eau Prit Feu - Rennes Affiche1 Quand la nuit arrive... photo:Mako spectacle Jeune et tout public Cie L'Eau Prit Feu - Rennes 1/23 Since its creation, the show has undergone several metamorphoses: the 2015 version is the subject of a staging revival by Guillaume Le Pape, using a lighter stage set-up and new accessories . It is accessible to equipped rooms or in technical autonomy under certain conditions. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In order to adapt to the reception conditions of places such as media libraries or schools, we have drawn from this show the Musical Tale On The Port of China. Afin de s'adapter aux conditions d'accueil des lieux plus petits comme les médiathèques ou écoles, nous avons tiré de ce spectacle le Conte musical et gestuel Sur Le Port de Chine. Celui-ci reprend l'histoire de La petite fille du Port de Chine d' Agnès Bertron-Martin sur la musique originale de François Daniel. Discover On the Port of China Current version In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Festive room Nantes Nord Nantes Space The Bridges Roses s / Loire Meetings at Monts d'Arrees Botmeur Cousteau School Moor of Brittany Cultural Center l'Antichambre Mordelles Media library Guignen Henri Brouillard Complex Pont-Réan Athena room La Motte The Night of the Book - House of the Book & Tourism Bécherel Sam'di Fantaisie - La Caravane MJC Servon-sur-Vilaine Little Sundays - Cie Les 3 Valoches Bazouges-la-Pérouse Town Hall Cuttlefish on the Loir First version In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Galatée Space Guichen La Grange Théâtre Thourie La Ferme-Auberge Chauvigné Multipurpose room Bazouges-la-Pérouse Festival L'Elabo N'en DéMaurepas Rennes The Laboratory Rennes The Wind Workshops Rennes This show was supported by:
- Les Mains Bavardeuses, Atelier Spectaculeux de Cie L'Eau Prit Feu
CHATTERING HANDS Like a multicolored confectionery shop, The Chattering Hands offers you the time to take a break, to become the craftsman of your own puppet : form a duo, take a basket and cooperate ! On the principle of the sheath, you will choose each element of your character from the head to the dress, like so many delicacies to savor, from the smallest child to the largest adult. The icing on the cake, a Tale for Talkers will crown the end of the day! Our Confident Artisans and their Little Hands welcome you in the street as well as in the dining room with a formula adapted to your spaces, and why not, to your themes? from the little kid to the big dadet from 3 years on a family afternoon, outdoors or indoors Puppet workshop 3h in groups of 2 to 3 craftsmen: average gestation time 45 min + Tale 30 mn up to 90 spectators The Confident Artisans Welcome Host Isabeau Legrel Confictionneur Greg Jovis The Content Assistant Jerome Bondet Not to mention our Little Hands volunteers of the day! DOSSIER DE PRÉSENTATION THE SPACES Follow the Silents and your fantasy will transform into a delicious Chatterbox ... THE COUNTER Make your choice at the store : noggin, pif, pair of peepers, paws, tifs and other rags. Your basket filled with basic ingredients thanks to the advice of L'Accueilleuse de Bienvenue. Now go to ... THE CONFECTION WORKSHOP Sit down to concoct together your puppet using our Recipe and useful utensils, accompanied by the Confictionneur and his precious Little Hands. Tools reserved for adults are provided for delicate operations. Find a name and profession based on your work and join the ... CASTELET Where you declare your Chatterbox in the Birth Register . Play freely with it and make up stories with your companions. A small puppet library awaits you there to awaken your pupils of young and old, while waiting for the time of the Tale for Talkers, which the Assisteur-Content will delight you! L'ATELIER DE CONFECTION Attablez-vous pour concocter ensemble votre marionnettes à l'aide de notre Recette et d'utiles ustensiles, accompagnés du Confictionneur et ses précieuses Petites Mains. Des outils réservées aux grands dadets sont prévus pour les opérations délicates. Trouvez un nom et métier au fruit de votre ouvrage et rejoignez le... CASTELET Où vous déclarez votre Bavard au Registre des naissances . Jouez librement avec lui et inventez des histoires avec vos compagnons. Une petite bibliothèque marionnettique vous y attend pour éveiller vos pupilles, en attendant l'heure du Conte pour Bavards dont vous régalera L'Assisteur-Content! 1/34 Visuels Grégoire David / David's Production 2002 Our Talkative Hands have worked to ... Les P'tits Dimanches Bazouges-La-Pérouse, Le Hibou Bleu Restaurant Irodoüer, The Art & Collective Public The Laboratory, Saturday Fancy Servon s / Vilaine, Betton Back to School Party, Entre-là Bourg des Comptes Festival, Feast of Laziness Rennes, Feast of the MJC of Guipry Messac, The P'tit Week-end Bazouges-La-Pérouse ... Festival Du hay aux Brumiers Saint-Pathus (77) Feast of La Paresse Rennes, CMCAS Anjou-Maine l'Huisserie -Laval CMCAS Anjou-Maine MQ Barbara - Le Mans CMCAS Anjou-Maine - Mur-Érigné
- ORIGINE DES CREATIONS | Compagnie L'Eau Prit Feu
ORIGIN OF CREATIONS Describing the company L'Eau Prit Feu comes down to evoking the show which laid the foundations of our aesthetic and our unique way of approaching the stage as actors. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Bones, masks without words speaks of the relationship with Others beyond "the bones", beyond death, disappearance: this rest of our relationships, memory, feelings, what remains imprinted, impregnated in the body ... Tables that open the imagination of anyone, even without having the references. This project contains the identity of a theater of gestural sensitivity: a direction inspired by a visual and burlesque theater that begins with the physical presence of the actor , invested with his mission to communicate the heart of the show to the public. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. An actor whose body play is central and sincere , centered on his senses and his generosity and in no case on himself. A devoted actor. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Bones, masks without words In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Our two characters were born using Skeletal Masks, Tap dancing and Tango. A search for rhythm, for a sound specific to the skeleton and a sensuality specific to the flesh. In love to the bone. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. They are reborn every day, to the sound of a requiem, when the spectator enters the room, and die again to let him go. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. What these two are saying are the memories that seal their relationship, like a reason to live. The good and the bad, the surprises and the joys, the conflicts and the supports ... In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. As long as memory summons our dead with the love that binds us to them, each time they come back to arouse the same feelings, like a fire that we can pass on and keep alive ... In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
- SUR LE PORT DE CHINE | compagnieleaupritfeu
On the Port of China musical tale - 25 min from 3 years old in family public from the album La Petite Fille du Port de Chine * ON THE PORT OF CHINA Like her people, a girl in the China Sea undergoes the tyranny of the Dragon-Serpent. The hard work of the day is followed by the time of dreams and dances: a benevolent night whose treasures can save the worst nightmares! At night ... fields of possibilities, a fantastic and mysterious dimension, a source of inspiration. The night is a time of calm, a place of creativity. A country so far away where you can love, dance and hope ... Play and dream to face our demons with our own weapons, were they stardust . A musical and gestural tale born from the show When Night Comes ... The story of Agnès Bertron-Martin's album La petite fille du port de Chine made such an impression on us that we wanted to carry her ardor everywhere with purity and simplicity . Here the word and the gesture take their place thanks to the musical immersion : we sail towards an imaginary made of dance and dreams. The address to the spectator is direct because in this form we want him to be an accomplice, we welcome him so that he can participate comfortably in the trip. Time will be set aside for the public to discover the instruments at the end of the story. since 2019 UFCV Leisure Center - Chanteloup IME La Chaponnière - Antrain Ménouvel Media Library - La Bouëxière La Clairière Media Library - Fougères Ehpad - Fresne sur Loire Ehpad - Belligné Café Utopique - Betton
- BADOU | compagnieleaupritfeu
BADOU BADOU - White Child from Black Africa All ages from 5 years old - 45 min Today is fair day. In the crowd that gathers around the healer, a little girl watches for the moment when she can secretly ask him how to obtain powers. But these come at a price: you have to capture a Zeru to compose the potion. It is said that one of these white and mysterious beings is hiding on the hill at the edge of the village. In secret, the young Wosa sets off in pursuit of the ghostly creature… but it is Badou that she meets! For the space of one night, the lives of Badou and Wosa will take a turn that will lastingly transform their existence. Their youth and their naivety will be their strength. Together, they will learn to overcome their prejudices to see the other as an ally and will know how to impose this evidence on the rest of their community. Together, they will come to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the villagers. interview France Bleu Armorique dossier de présentation Our show aims to raise awareness of the consequences of beliefs and discrimination suffered by people with albinism in several African countries. By extension, we count question the mechanisms which lead to the exclusion of individuals on the basis of prejudice . NOS PARTENAIRES HELLO ASSO La création a été soutenue par les donateurs sur notre page Hello Asso : la campagne a permis de financer l'achat de matériel technique et les dernières résidences. R ésidences MJC Le Grand Cordel Maison de Quartier Francisco Ferrer Cie TRO HEOL Jungle Théâtre du Cercle AGE N DA dimanche 17 d écembre 2023 - 15H salle Jean Légaud Pléchâtel (35) Badou a joué : Salle du Pontrais Le Gâvre (44) Avant- première pour GENESPOIR avec FONDATION PIERRE FABRE CRASH-TEST Théâtre du Cercle Rennes MJC Le Grand-Cordel semaine des droits de l’enfant Les Echappés du Bal - Bazouges-La-Pérouse
- ATELIERS PONCTUELS | Compagnie L'Eau Prit Feu
ONE-TIME WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS & WORKSHOPS of creation with public presentation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Theater / Storytelling / Puppet In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. according to audience, themes, desires ... PUPPET & GAME DISCOVERY Imagine a meeting time over a week, a few days to build a puppet show from a tale or fabricated characters, from the material to the game ... In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Born in 2016, this concept bringing together 2 speakers on each of the aspects addressed, allowed precious time for meetings and exchanges as rich humanly as artistically. Puppet Making and handling In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Theater Initiation to play In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Story Individual and / or collective development In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In a process of valuing and learning autonomy , we encourage as much as possible the recovery of materials and tools for these workshops. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Organizers and participants may be required to provide material from a list sent in advance. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The sense of cooperation is encouraged by our stakeholders: whoever takes the lead helps others! It is also a wonderful way to integrate learning. Expression week 5 days 35h - April 2019 14 adults Social Assistants, Educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Puppet Making Foam Heads, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Expression week 5 days 30h - June 2018 10 adults Social Assistants, Educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Puppet Making Foam Heads, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Expression week 5 days 35h - February / March 2018 12 adults 1st and 2nd year Instructors-Educators and 3rd year early childhood educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Puppet Making Foam Heads, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Expression week 5 days 30h - June 2017 13 adults Social Assistants, Educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Manufacture of large puppets with foam guides, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Expression week 5 days 30h - October 2016 12 adult educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Manufacture of large puppets with foam guides, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Expression week 5 days 30h - June 2016 14 adult Social Workers and Educators - Askoria School, Rennes In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Manufacture of large puppets with foam guides, Handling and staging of a skit In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. CHILDREN In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Holiday course 3 days 3 p.m. - April 2016 12 child 6 to 9 years old La Caravane MJC , Servon s / Vilaine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Manufacture of puppets with guides in foam and castelet, 2-player manipulation and staging of a tale ENFANTS Atelier marionnette fabrication et initiation au jeu 2 jours 12h - Janvier 2022 École Primaire Publique Fanny Dufeil, Saint-Pierre-de-Plesguen dans le cadre de la mission de la Cie Machtiern sur le territoire. Stage de Vacances 3 jours 15h- Avril 2016 12 enfant 6 à 9 ans La Caravane MJC , Servon s/Vilaine Fabrication de marionnettes à guides en mousse et castelet, Manipulation à 2 et mise en scène d'un conte Cie L'Eau Prit Feu Présentation Stage découverte marionnette-tête et jeu - Ecole Askoria Play Video
- Atelier théâtre adulte Bis Repetita
ATELIER BIS REPETITA - Adult Theater Creation illustrator Nono Ampuy BIS REPETITA WORKSHOP SEASON 2020 -2021 SUSPENDED In addition to this, you need to know more about it. SINCE 2020, IN ADDITION TO THE HEALTH CRISIS, THE ELABO PLATEAU IS NO LONGER CAPABLE OF HOSTING THE CREATION WORKSHOP IN GOOD CONDITIONS. WE ARE WAITING FOR A RELOCATION SOLUTION AND THINKING ABOUT ANOTHER SESSION FORMAT. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. (subject to change) at the Plateau de L'Elaboratoire 17 bis Avenue Jorge Semprun 35000 Rennes Plan bus: lines 4 and 6 Pont de strasbourg or Plaine de Baud, line 11 East Cemetery Bis Repetita (Placent) ... such is built the art of the actor, repeating ceaselessly, the work as the pleasure. This workshop is taking shape at the request of several residents of the Rennes artistic collective L'Elaboratoire since 2014: which is driven by a thirst for discovery, which by the renewal of the stage experience, which again, by the desire to go further in his projects with the acquisition of technical and playing basics. Based on this enthusiasm, the Bis Repetita Workshops are open to everyone from the age of 18! The desire is to pass on the work of the company while building a united group that can evolve in confidence with the aim of supporting and benevolent towards everyone. Find the rhythm Seeking precision Develop sensitivity and presence Listening to each other as much as to what is going on In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Faithful to the founding axes of the company, we will approach the stage by exploring among other techniques masks, clown, mime, and choreographic dimension. Body and gesture are the cornerstones through which we will build an acting game that we will seek sincere and generous. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Great importance will be given to preparatory warm-ups in the form of trainings. We will like various exercises, experiments, guided improvisations and choir work. Thanks to the 2017-2018 team, and the involvement of Fanny Fallourd , we are now equipped with neutral masks which will serve as an educational tool for gestural work! One of the performances of the end-of-year show is traditionally done on the occasion of the Repet'Publik in June at the Laboratory on the 3rd Sunday of the month. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. schedule 30 weekly sessions of 3 hours Quarterly or yearly payment Annual membership to the company € 15 + Individual and annual membership to L'Elaboratoire 30 € (to do alone) 1 free trial session * year-round commitment: payment is made by Hello Asso nb: The counselor can postpone certain sessions for professional reasons: in the event of cancellation of certain sessions (3 max), they are made up for by the reinforcement sessions in May * A neutral outfit is favorable to body work: - long-sleeved sweater and t-shirt - plain pants, preferably black and comfortable, - soft shoes, avoid jewelry and tie up long hair SPEAKER Isabeau Legrel atelierbisrepetita@gmail.com The creation workshops allow the development of an end-of-year show performed in front of an audience: this social and artistic experience is a wonderful human adventure that should be approached with curiosity and humility. We want a good understanding of the group for an atmosphere conducive to the development of each. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Thanks to its partnerships with local associations, the company organizes itself * or co-organizes its warm moments of discovery and pleasure. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Attendance and commitment are decisive for the maintenance of these workshops * We ask to be aware that no refund will be possible in case of abandonment of the participant in the workshop. The payment of the year and the membership of the company are made upon registration by the Hello Asso platform.